


Kim Ki-myung, Global Sae-A CEO, establishing a sustainable management framework through internal diversification

1957년생. 서울사대부고. 한국외국어대 영어과. 1995년 PREL(Wal-Mart) 한국 지사장. 2002 월마트 글로벌 의류소싱 총괄. 2004 최신물산 대표이사 사장. 2007 인디에프 대표이사 사장. 2010 세아상역 미국총괄 법인장. 2014 세아상역 코스타리카 방직공장 사장. 2016 글로벌세아 대표이사 사장(현).

After building up experience as Walmart’s global apparel sourcing manager, Global Sae-A CEO Kim Ki-myung began his journey with Sae-A from 2007. In 2016, Kim was appointed the CEO of the Global Sae-A Group, whereupon he successfully acquired Sae-A STX Entech and Tailim Packaging and Paper.


Last year, the Global Sae-A Group’s turnover and operating profits totaled 3.3844 trillion won and 280.8 billion won respectively. That was an increase of 43% and 179.6% respectively from the previous year, despite the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Furthermore, Sae-A Trading became the first in the OEM (original equipment manufacturer) apparel industry to achieve vertical integration and adopt an ODM (original design manufacturer) system. This of course reduced costs, but as this meant the entire apparel production process was carried out directly, it helped raise quality control of the products, as well as be able to quickly respond to fashion and retail trends. This led Sae-A to grow into a global apparel production and export company, together with some 50 client companies worldwide. When the COVID-19 pandemic created an uncertain business environment last year, the company was also able to turn crisis into opportunity, by exporting masks and protective apparel.


In 2018, Sae-A STX Entech spun off from STX Heavy Industries and merged with the Global Sae-A Group, and its construction and plant business are becoming an important pillar of the Group’s mid-to-long term growth. Thanks to synergy with the Group, the company is showing consistent growth after its incorporation in 2018, winning successive contracts for domestic and international projects related to renewable energy and environmental industrial facilities, and in 2020 sales increased by over 20% compared to the previous year.


The corrugated cardboard specialist company Tailim joined the Group in 2020, and the synergy effect with Global Sae-A Group’s existing businesses is also leading to upward growth.


Last year, the Global Sae-A Group established the Group’s Vision; ‘To Help People Experience the Best of Life’. It made new preparations to ensure that the company becomes one that lasts 100 years. The group wanted to express its desire to provide the best experiences for its customers and staff, by creating the best products and services, as well as ensure the group’s growth and security by reorganizing its business portfolio. By establishing its four core business groups as apparel (衣), food (食), shelter (住) and knowledge (智), Global Sae-A Group aims ensure the stability of its existing businesses, while at the same time expand the scope of its businesses to power sustainable growth.


Meanwhile, the Global Sae-A Group has shown a lot of interest in the environmental management sector, which has become a global talking point. Sae-A Trading was the first among Korean apparel vendors to create an exclusive sustainability team within the company and operate more eco-friendly production lines by adopting an Environmental Management System (EMS) using IS0-14001 standards to raise the company’s eco-friendly capabilities.


Using its desulfurization/denitrification facilities and experience in renewable energy, Sae-A STX Entech is helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions from all of Sae-A Trading’s overseas subsidiaries. Additionally, the company has also received orders from the government of Nicaragua to install standalone photovoltaic power systems, and it has been installing solar panel systems to some 10,000 households in regions where there is no electricity supply.


Tailim Packaging is helping save natural resources by producing environmentally friendly packaging materials, and by helping preserve the environment it is operating a business that is high in public value. It has also been recognized for its eco-friendly quality management capabilities through ISO-14001 and FSC certification. Tailim Paper is also showing itself to be a model company when it comes to improving environmental facilities, such as becoming the first in Korea to successfully adopt the use of a combustion improver (comburent) that improves incineration efficiency.